- color uniformity
- однородность окрашивания
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
Color model — A color model is an abstract mathematical model describing the way colors can be represented as tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components. When this model is associated with a precise description of how the… … Wikipedia
Color difference — The difference or distance between two colors is a metric of interest in color science. It allows people to quantify a notion that would otherwise be described with adjectives, to the detriment of anyone whose work is color critical. Common… … Wikipedia
Color temperature — The CIE 1931 x,y chromaticity space, also showing the chromaticities of black body light sources of various temperatures (Planckian locus), and lines of constant correlated color temperature. Color temperature is a characteristic of visible light … Wikipedia
CIELUV color space — In colorimetry, the CIE 1976 ( L* , u* , v* ) color space, also known as the CIELUV color space, is a color space adopted by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 1976, as a simple to compute transformation of the 1931 CIE XYZ… … Wikipedia
CIE 1931 color space — In the study of color perception, one of the first mathematically defined color spaces is the CIE 1931 XYZ color space, created by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 1931.[1][2] The CIE XYZ color space was derived from a series … Wikipedia
Lab color space — A Lab color space is a color opponent space with dimension L for lightness and a and b for the color opponent dimensions, based on nonlinearly compressed CIE XYZ color space coordinates.The coordinates of the Hunter 1948 L , a , b color space are … Wikipedia
Espacio de color Lab — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lab es el nombre abreviado de dos espacios de color diferentes. El más conocido es CIELAB (estrictamente CIE 1976 L*a*b*) y el otro es Hunter Lab (estrictamente, Hunter L, a, b). Lab es una abreviación informal, y… … Wikipedia Español
CIE 1960 color space — The CIE 1960 color space ( CIE 1960 UCS , variously expanded Uniform Color Space , Uniform Color Scale , Uniform Chromaticity Scale , Uniform Chromaticity Space ) is another name for the (u,v) chromaticity space devised by David MacAdam. [cite… … Wikipedia
OSA-UCS — In colorimetry, the OSA UCS is a color space or chromaticity diagram first published in 1974 and developed by the Optical Society of America s Committee on Uniform Color Scales; presently the 1976 edition is adopted. It is based on and compatible … Wikipedia
Thick-film dialectric electroluminescent technology — Thick film dielectric electroluminescent (TDEL) technology is a phosphor based flat panel display technology developed by Canadian company iFire Technology Corp. TDEL is based on inorganic electroluminescent (IEL) technology and has a novel… … Wikipedia
CBS Laboratories — Innovations developed at the labs included many groundbreaking broadcast, industrial, and consumer technologies.Chronology* 1936: CBS Laboratories established in New York City to conduct technological research for CBS and outside clients * 1958:… … Wikipedia